Brink is an in-print literary journal dedicated to publishing hybrid, cross-genre work of both emerging and established creatives who often reside outside traditional artistic disciplines. By providing space primed to instigate new ideas, Brink fosters dialogue and collaborative community across disciplines and cultural divides.

Hybrid writing often includes multiple mediums such as visual and written elements that together accomplish a result impossible to achieve alone. Text-based hybrid writing harnesses form and content in singular ways to create dynamic work primed to offer new perspectives, voices, and ideas that prioritize the combination of multiple literary and artistic elements to produce a readable, engaging piece of work.

Please familiarize yourself with Brink prior to submitting your work. Single issues can be purchased from our website and we recommend you become familiar with the work we publish prior to submitting your own work. 

We read every submission and respectfully request you wait one full submission period to resubmit if your work has been declined. We will not engage with any work that is transphobic, homophobic, racist, or xenophobic. 

We accept a variety of creative work from Nonfiction to Fiction, from Poetry to Translation. But our hearts beat strongest for hybrid work that falls into the cross-genre category we call Evocations. We are interested in work that presses boundaries, uses more than one medium to tell a story, and both looks and feels different on the page. Additionally, we look for submissions that engage the theme of each issue as well as the idea of being on the brink.


The Emerging Writer Fellowship in Hybrid Writing offers editorial support, guidance, and mentorship to previously unpublished writers who demonstrate exceptional promise in hybrid and cross-genre writing. The fellow will work alongside the Brink design and editorial team to prepare their piece for publication. The virtual fellowship will take place over a period of four months in the fall and will provide the following:

  • One-on-one developmental editing alongside a Brink editor with an emphasis on developing the innovative hybrid aspects of the selected piece 
  • Advice and guidance on career development via the submission and publication process
  • Publication in a print issue of Brink, providing a significant and respected publication credit 
  • Participation in an online reading along with the winner of the Brink Literary Journal Award for Hybrid Writing 
  • Five copies of the journal issue in which the winning submission appears

The fellowship is open to all writers and artists who identify their work as hybrid or cross-genre in nature or who are interested in learning how to hybridize their work in a readable, creative manner. 

  • Emerging writers who have not yet published a book-length collection are eligible. 
  • Writers with forthcoming books may enter if their first book is published after April 2024. 
  • Writers who have edited and published an anthology or a collection of other writers' works remain eligible.
  • Submit up to 15 pages in one previously unpublished submission per entrant
  • All entries will be read anonymously. Before you submit, please remove your name and any other identifying information from your submission. We will contact you regarding your submission through Submittable, so please ensure your contact information is accurate
  • Family, colleagues, intimate friends, and contributors previously published in Brink Literary Journal are ineligible

Brink is open for hybrid and cross-genre submissions of any length and style engaging the theme of access.

Access signifies approach. It conveys the ability, right, or permission to engage with practices, places, and people. It is something you fight to gain. It is something you can easily lose. Access can be wide or narrow, public or private. Historically, it implied the onset of an illness or attack. 

Access defines boundaries of people and place. It shapes our politics and healthcare, our education and environment. Tell us stories about how access expands specific horizons. Show us not the center but the brink, the threshold, of accessibility. What are the conversations, the decisions, the laws, the beliefs that delineate access? What stories remain stuck in the margins of access?
